Sayer's Music

Last Update: 05/08/20

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Oceans (March 2020)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
Oceans Cover 

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
The ocean has always been special to me. As a child I loved going to the beach and experiencing the sounds, feel, and scent of the waves, sand, and ocean breeze. I also cherished the fascinating documentaries that showcased the different forms of life existing under the sea.

As I've grown older I often return to the ocean for a dose of serenity, to rest my mind, and to experience the grandeur nature has on offer. One of my favorite places to visit is Chincoteague Wildlife refuge located on the Virginia coast.


Future City (November 2019)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
Future City Cover 

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
Typically, when I create a themed album I have an overall story in my head for the release. Each track has its own narrative that supports the album theme. With Future City I decided to write down the narratives and combine them into a short story to be included with the release. This turned out to be a lot of fun, but also a lot of extra effort.

The CD version of Future City includes a 6 panel booklet that contains the full short story along with the CD artwork. The electronic download version includes a PDF document with the short story including some of the CD artwork. The short story is also included below. I hope you will fine it entertaining. 


In Search of Alfheim (June 2019)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
In Search of Alfheim - Cover 

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
An adventurous journey in search of the ancient lost lands of Alfheim.


A Different Side of Normal (August 2018)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
A Different Side of Normal 

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
Rear Cover 
The theme of this release breaks from the space adventures of recent albums, but the sequences and melodies are as present as ever. The studio has been expanding over the last couple of years which is evident by the large number and variety of synthesizers used on this project.

"Sometimes normal can change in very good ways, as it has recently done for me. This release is a reflection of finding a new normal..."



Interplanetary (April 2016)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
Interplanetary front cover

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
Interplanetary rear cover
We continue the epic adventure to explore places beyond our solar system and even beyond the reaches of our galaxy. Alien sounds mixed with driving sequences and flowing leads are on the menu for this interplanetary adventure.

This release contains over 78 minutes of melodic sequencer music. I hope you enjoy what I have created!


Cosmic Voyagers (November 2015)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
CV front cover

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
CV rear cover
Time to embark on a deep space adventure to explore places beyond our solar system and even beyond the reaches of our galaxy. You will not find the calm and serene styles typically associated with space music. With Cosmic Voyagers the goal is to provide mystery and intrigue with unique and interesting sounds that you may not have ever heard before. It also aims to provide a sense of energy and excitement through the use of extensive sequencing.

This release contains over 76 minutes of melodic sequencer music.

Time Travelers Too (July 2015)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
TTT front cover

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR 
TTT rear cover
Time Travelers Too offers more adventures related to the time travel theme. This was a planned follow-up to the original Time Travelers release.

The goal with Time Travelers Too was to sound less "retro" compared to Time Travelers. This was accomplished by the use of sounds that are a bit more modern in nature, while still keeping a familiar and consistent overall feel.


Time Travelers (February 2015)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
TT front cover

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
TT rear cover
The Time Travelers theme offers many opportunities to create sequence driven electronic music. In most cases the name of each track was decided first, then I wrote music to support the theme and meaning of the chosen name.

In addition to the time travelers theme, the actual
composition style and sounds aim to transport the
listener to different periods of time in sequence
based electronic music, from the early days to current and hopefully even to futuristic directions.


Sounds of Atoms (January 2014)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies
SoA front cover

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, glass mastered CD
SoA rear cover
After completing Random Access Melodies I intended to take a break from creating new music and instead direct my efforts to remaster and re-release some of my older, pre-1st Encounter material. Then the plan was to start on new tracks for the Sounds of Atoms themed release.

The work on the older material never happened because inspiration kept getting in the way and before long I had the majority of the tracks in-work for Sounds of Atoms. The six months invested in Sounds of Atoms have been some of the most enjoyable and productive months I have ever had working with music.

Random Access Melodies (July 2013)

Finally, after nearly 10 years...
RAM front cover

A collection of tracks recorded since the 1st Encounter release. It varies from relaxing sound-scapes to higher energy sequence driven adventures.

BandCamp-Streaming, digital download, glass mastered CD
RAM rear cover
Review by Dave Law of SMD & Music Zeit:

"I am delighted that there is a new album by Sayer (the first in ten years I think). ‘Random Access Melodies’ cranks the sequences up right from the first track. They bounce along perfectly throughout the whole album, wonderful melodies weaving between the pulsations. It is a bit like a mix of Pyramid Peak, John Dyson, Glyn Lloyd Jones, Gert Emmens and Jean Michel Jarre. This could well make it into one of my top ten albums of the year. Some artists are good with sequences, others can come up with a good ‘tune’, Sayer seems to be a master of both."

1st Encounter (2013 re-release)

A collection of electronic musical works
1st Encounter CD Cover

This release can is best explained as a collection of classic electronic music influences combined with modern sounds and styles.

Originally released on CD in December 2003 with the Invisible Shadows label. Re-released for digital download in 2013 with all tracks newly remastered.

BandCamp - Streaming, digital download, professional CDR
 1st Encounter Rear

"Hot off the presses, the new album by Sayer is a rhythmic/ melodic extravaganza filled with colorful melodic hooks and crisp sequential riffs. There are cosmic symphonic moment interwoven into the mix, but by and large it’s a non-stop dose of motorik perfect for space cruising on the Autobahn. Your head will be spinning and your feet tapping when this is in the player."

Synth Music Direct:
excerpt - use link above to see full review)
"If you want an album of tranquil float look elsewhere but if on the other hand you want music to get the heart racing then you should really have this CD in your collection."


Eclectic Sketches (2000 - 2017)

Electronic Sequences and Melodies

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, glass mastered CD
Track 1: Dawn of Time (2001)
Track 2: Outer Limits (2000)
Track 3: Scattering Neutrons (2013)
Track 4: Terminal Velocity (2000)
Track 5: The Analogs (2017)
Track 6: Celestial Dance (2010)
Track 7: The Promise (2002)
Track 8: Moonstruck (2003)
Track 9: MKS-7 (2002)
Track 10: Terra Firma (2001)
Track 11: Material Witness (2003)
Track 12:  Glacier Park (2002) 
An eclectic collection of tracks, most were produced prior to the 1st Encounter release, when I was first starting to explore more of a Berlin School sound. Some are sound sketches while others are more structured.

Unknown Destiny (February 2019)

Trance, Techno, Electronic

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, glass mastered CD
Track 1: Eternity
Track 2: Cold Fusion
Track 3: Melotheous
Track 4: Unknown Destiny
Track 5: Autonomous Arps
Track 6: Mind Journey
Track 7: Interceptor
Track 8: WerkStation
This is a collection of Trance/Electronic tracks that I produced in the early 2000s. At the time I had two musical projects, one being this type of music. The other was in the Berlin School style of music that I still create today.

Synthetic Dreams (20th Anniversary Edition - 2020)

Trance, Electronic

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, glass mastered CD
Track 1:Folding Space
Track 2:Oasis
Track 3:Convoy
Track 4:Solar Flare
Track 5:Star Theme
Track 6:Retro Dreamz
Track 7:Neutron Dance
Track 8:Binary Bliss
Track 9:Sequence 1
Track 10:Crusade
Track 11:Generations
A celebration of synthesizer music.

Influences range from early 80's synth pop, classic EM (Electronic Music) artists, and current techno and Trance trends.

Originally released in 2000, all tracks have been remasterd for the 20th Anniversary Edition.


Beginnings 1996 - 1998 (2015)

Trance, Electronic, Retrowave

BandCamp- Streaming, digital download, glass mastered CD
Track 1: Twilight
Track 2: StarDust
Track 3: BitMapping
Track 4: Plasma Fields
Track 5: StarGate
Track 6: Reconnaissance
Track 7: The Long Flutter
Track 8: Ice Planet
Track 9: OutPost
Track 10: CryoGen
Track 11: Telepathic Journey
Track 12:CyberQuest
Track 13:Storm
Track 14:Sequence 1
These tracks were recorded from the years 1996-1998 which were my first completed works, many of which have never been released before.


Past-Present-Phuture (2001)

Dream Quest vs. Sayer

Included tracks from both of my synthesizer music projects at the time. Dream Quest being classic EM (Electronic Music) styled and Sayer being more dance/trance styled.

Released on D.A.M. CD

Track 1:EternityMP3
Track 2:Mind Journey 
Track 3:Cold Fusion 
Track 4:Outer LimitsMP3
Track 5:Unknown Destiny 
Track 6:CyberQuest 
Track 7:Ancient Dreams 
Track 8:Dawn Of TimeMP3
Track 9:Tradewinds 
Track 10:AuroraMP3
Track 11:Reflections 

Synthetic Dreams (2000)

A celebration of synthesizer music.

Influences range from early 80's synth pop, classic EM (Electronic Music) artists, and current techno and Trance trends.

Released on D.A.M. CD

Track 1:Folding Space 
Track 2:Oasis 
Track 3:ConvoyMP3
Track 4:Solar FlareMP3
Track 5:Star Theme 
Track 6:Retro Dreamz 
Track 7:Neutron DanceMP3
Track 8:Binary BlissMP3
Track 9:Sequence 1 
Track 10:Crusade 
Track 11:Generations 

Waves (1999)

The last of the early releases.

Released on D.A.M. CD

Track 1:BeyondTheZone 
Track 2:Luminous DriftingMP3
Track 3:Cascade 
Track 4:Pulsar 
Track 5:AeroLiteMP3
Track 6:WaveShapeMP3
Track 7:Traveler 

Blaze (1998)

A bit of a new direction

Released on D.A.M. CD

Track 1:Wandering 
Track 2:Express 
Track 3:Blaze 
Track 4:LucidMP3
Track 5:ElectroPulseMP3
Track 6:GalaxyMP3
Track 7:FlightMP3
Track 8:WarpZone 

Corinthaus (1998)

A concept album about a
previously unexplored planet

Released on D.A.M. CD

Track 1:Arrival 
Track 2:Asteroid Field 
Track 3:Winds of CorinthausMP3
Track 4:Patrol!MP3
Track 5:New Outpost 
Track 6:Discovery 
Track 7:SkyPortMP3
Track 8:Alien Technology 

Origins (1997-1998)

First released recordings

Released on D.A.M. CD

Track 1:StarGate 
Track 2:Telepathic Journey 
Track 3:BioHazard 
Track 4:Deep AtmospheresMP3
Track 5:Reconnaissance 
Track 6:OutPostMP3
Track 7:Ice PlanetMP3
Track 8:Circuit Tracers 
Track 9:Switching Station